Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cats and Dogs Love Rent Smart

Cats and dogs love us. 
I just wish more Landlords loved cats and dogs. 
I have noticed throughout Chicago that the number of dog owners has increased.  But, working in the industry, I have noticed how few Landlords allow dogs.  Per capita it is more difficult than it should be.
People who rescue animals are especially vulnerable.  Without a home that allows pets, cats and dogs cannot be rescued.  Helping create a home for human and canine/feline co-habitation is a positive experience that nurtures the soul.  It is estimated that around 40% of all dog owners also own at least one cat.  I understand that, and look for the pet friendly buildings where ever they are.  It becomes a mission.
According to the Mendocino Coast Humane Society, Pet Owners looking for an apartment are best served when they assemble references for their pet(s).  Some Landlords even want to meet Fido before signing the lease.  So, working with your dog, training him/her not to jump on people, etc. goes a long way to helping us find a nice apartment for you and your extended family.  

The Mendocino Coast Humane Society’s Web-site suggests that “a dog or puppy jumping on you is caused only by their excitement and their desire to receive your attention and affection.  A dog is down there and you are up there and they want to say ‘Hello’ to you at face level.  Every time we accept a dog jumping on us, we reward their behavior.  Consistency is the most important part of training a dog.

There are a few different techniques to stop jumping, but the most effective method is for everyone in the family must agree that jumping is unacceptable behavior.

The best technique is to ignore your dogs jumping.  If a dog jumps on you, look up and ignore him or her.  Be silent and do not respond in any way until after the dog stops. Petting, yelling and talking only reinforces the behavior to jump on you.  After the dog stops wait before you look down and respond to the dog.  Vary the amount of time you wait before you respond.  It may be best to always ignore your dog when you arrive home until it calms down.  Carry a cookie next time you will greet your dog.  If it does not jump, give it a cookie and praise it for good behavior.

Remember that dogs are not all that dumb.  If every time you come home, the dog jumps on you, your ignore it, it stops, you reach down and pet it, you have just taught your dog a new trick.  Reinforce good behavior, ignore bad behavior.”

Other methods may also be employed.  According to the Mendocino Coast Humane Society’s Web-site, kneeing the dog, holding its paws and declaring ‘Off’ are other techniques.   ‘Kneeing’ is a technique of raising your knee, just as you see your dog approach with a jump.  It is not meant to be violent or to hurt, just to rebound the dog. Caution should be used with this technique; your timing must be perfect and you risk possible injury to yourself and your dog.  It is also difficult to knee a dog when sitting.

‘Holding the paws’ is a technique of allowing the dog to jump, grasping their paws and holding on. This is combined with lots of enthusiastic and pleasant talk to your dog. Dogs do not like their paws being held and will begin to struggle.  The technique is taught that you keep holding on until the dog becomes very unhappy with the exercise. The goal is to convince the dog that jumping is an uncomfortable event.  The disadvantage is that you must do this every time your dog jumps on you and this is not always easy when carrying the groceries.  Caution should be used with technique; I have seen a professional trainer get bitten very badly by a friendly puppy.

Giving the command ‘Off’ works only as a reminder to a dog that understands the behavior is not acceptable.  ‘Off’ means put all four feet on the ground and works better than the command ‘No’.  Do not yell, scream; just say ‘Off’ and ignore your dog.  Dogs hear you; they are capable of selective hearing like some people.”

By working with your pet(s) and your Rent Smart Agent, the application process will be a smooth one and the pet interview will result in a positive transition which secures the apartment you want.
So, as our Dogs and Cats love us, let us show them some love also.  More pet friendly buildings today!
By Chuck Ward


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